Mailings – Addressed

Using a spreadsheet with the names and addresses of your recipients, Print Plus can create a custom mailing tailored to each customer’s needs.
We can handle all aspects of a mailing:
• Design of the mailing piece
• Printing of the ad / flyer / newsletter / etc.
• Folding / stapling / trimming / finishing of the printed piece
• Collating multiple items
• Printing your logo, return address and mailing addresses on the envelopes
• Stuffing the printed items into the envelopes
• Sealing and stamping the envelopes
Put your information right in their mailboxes. Reach your customers, or potential customers with your latest product or service offering. Break out of the mass media clutter and present yourself as a professional, well organized operation.
Let us bring your campaign to life; we have the tools and talents necessary to create the perfect mailing for your specific needs.